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Submission Manager

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The West Branch Submission Manager is currently offline.

Either the submission manager is undergoing temporary maintenance, or you have reached us outside our reading period, which begins annually on August 1st and ends on April 1st.

Please check back with us in the fall. We look forward to reading your work.

In the meantime, please acquaint yourself with our submission guidelines:

The editors of West Branch welcome submissions of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and translation. We print only original, unpublished work. For accepted work, we purchase First North American serial rights.

Payment is awarded for accepted works in the amount of $100 per submission of poetry or $0.10/word of prose with a maximum payment of $200. Additionally, we provide each contributor with two copies of the issue in which his/her work appears and a one-year subscription to West Branch.

  1. All manuscripts should be paginated, with the author's name on each page. Prose should be double-spaced and include a word count.
  2. Please send no more than six poems or thirty pages of prose. Poems should be saved and uploaded as a single file.
  3. The submission manager accepts most document types; we prefer to receive files in .DOC or .RTF format.
  4. We prefer to receive no more than two submissions from a single contributor in a given reading period. We make periodic checks for contributors who have reached the 2-submission limit, and reject any additional pieces submitted by those contributors. Please note also that the submission manager will only allow you to have one piece under consideration at any given time.
  5. Simultaneous submissions must be clearly marked as such in the comments section. Please notify us immediately if the work is accepted elsewhere.
  6. Our usual response time is ten weeks or less--often much less--but if we find your material interesting you may wait longer to hear from us. Please DO query if more than four months have passed since your submission, via e-mail at westbranch@bucknell.edu.
  7. Book reviews are typically arranged by assignment, and we currently publish only poetry reviews. If you are interested in writing reviews, please query with a sample. Our pay rate for reviewing is highly competitive.
  8. Please acquaint yourself with the magazine before submitting; sample back issues are available for only $3. Subscriptions are available at $10 for one year and $16 for two years. For subscription information, selected work, and news, see our website.
West Branch prefers to accept all our submissions through the Online Submission Manager. However, if you would like to know whether or not you may be granted an exception, please e-mail us at westbranch@bucknell.edu.

Submission Manager is currently in “no submissions” mode.
Submitters and staff may log into their accounts however no new submissions are being accepted at this time.

Submission Manager
version 3.40
©2024 Devin Emke